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Why Choose Manicured Lawn Maintenance?

At Manicured Lawn Maintenance, LLC, I pride myself on being different when it comes to  servicing your lawn care needs.

Simply put, I want to be the best residential lawn care provider 

in Delaware. Please take a moment to discover what makes my company so unique. 


Your home is your castle. It’s a place where you should feel absolutely safe and secure whether you are a single woman, a mother at home with her children, or an elderly person or couple. With Manicured Lawn Maintenance, LLC, you are hiring a woman-owned business who completely understands these concerns. The owner, Claire Bradley-Johnston, personally performs all work to ensure a perfect and safe job every time. With Manicured Lawn Maintenance, LLC, you will never have to worry about the background or character of who has proximity to your family or access to the privacy and sanctity of your yard. You will NEVER experience inappropriate behavior or language on your premises. You will also never find discarded cigarette butts or water bottles. 


At Manicured Lawn Maintenance, LLC, I want to be the best residential lawn care provider in Delaware. To accomplish this, I only use professionally maintained, 42” or less mowers. While I could use larger mowers to get the job done quicker, I specifically only use professional, residential mowers to prevent “drive tracks” and “ruts”. This way, I purposefully match the mowers and lawns I specialize in. I also offer bagged mowing services if preferred.


At Manicured Lawn Maintenance, LLC, my company image and reputation are very important to me. Each time I service your yard, I will come to your home dressed like a professional. I wear a collared, logo-ed shirt bearing my company’s name.


Each week (or bi-weekly), I will professionally mow your yard at the recommended 3” setting to help crowd out weeds and help your turf both thrive and survive the rough summer months. Additionally, I will professionally edge all your paved surfaces with a gas powered, metal blade edger and string-trim around all flower beds, fences, trees and shrubs. Finally, I will blow all paved surfaces prior to leaving. I will personally make sure that your fence is completely latched upon completion. If weather prevents me from coming, you will receive either an email or text message notifying you of the change and information regarding when I will return to complete your job. 


Sometimes, life throws a curveball and perhaps you only need mowing services for a set period of time. Maybe you will be out of town, are caring for a loved one, or are under the weather yourself. If this happens, Manicured Lawn Maintenance, LLC, will mow your lawn as needed. Realtors who need “flip” properties tended to during renovation are also welcome!  


Here at Manicured Lawn Maintenance, LLC, I want my services to be completely convenient for  you, my customer. If you decide to use my services, an email will be sent asking for acceptance of my proposal. Once you click on this link, I will schedule your service. At the end of each week for mowing services, I will charge your card on file for the prior week’s work. At the completion of a landscape job, you will be provided a link to securely pay online. There’s no need to ever leave a check under your doormat or mail it in. 


As in any trade, the secret to achieving an excellent result begins with the preparation. For example, when weeding a property prior to mulching, I will never take the shortcut of weed-whacking your weeds to ground level and then mulching over them. I take whatever time is necessary to get the roots removed. While weeds will grow whenever their seeds land and germinate, this method provides the best chance for a beautiful flower bed without the “same” weeds returning. Sometimes, a flower bed can be rejuvenated with just a quick “mulch raking”. If not however, all current mulch will be completely removed prior to installing the new.  


I decided to leave the best reason for last - no contracts for mowing services! When you sign up for mowing services with Manicured Lawn Maintenance, LLC, you will never sign a contract. I want you to be completely satisfied with my work. If you are not, you have the right to cancel, in writing, at any time. I am so confident that you will appreciate my work that I am offering this guarantee.

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